Kurze Spanischkurse: Wann benutzen wir den Konjunktiv 1 im Spanischen?

Wir benutzen den Konjunktiv 1 für Situationen , die real und möglich sind. Die Sätze beginnen immer mit der Konjunktion Wenn. Wir benutzen die Sätze in folgenden Situationen: 1. Si+ Indikativform Presente/ Gegenwart+ Indikativform Presente/ Gegenwart:„si duermes la siesta, recuperas energía“ y „si voy, te mando un WhatsApp“ (Wenn du eine Pause machst, bekommst du Energie und wenn ich gehe , schicke ich dir eine WhatsApp Nachricht). 2. Si+Indikativform Presente/Gegenwart+Zukunft: „Si trabajo el sábado, no podré ir“ (Wenn ich Samstag arbeite, werde ich nicht gehen können). 3. Si+Indikativform Presente/ Gegenwart+ Imperatif: „Si vienes, escríbeme pronto“ (Wenn du kommst, schreibe mir).

Spanisch lernen mit der Taronja Schule

Mit unseren Spanischkursen kannst du deine mündliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit verbessern und auf spielerische Art und Weise lernen, wie wir Spanier sind.

Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?

Dies sind einige der Meinungen unserer Schüler. Sie geben uns die Preise!

Kurze Spanischkurse: Wann benutzen wir den Konjunktiv 1 im Spanischen? 2
Claire Rice
I am a retired language teacher (at high school and university level ) and as such I feel I can offer a qualified opinion on the teaching method of the Taronja staff. I am pleased to give it 5 stars. All lessons were well prepared, engaging and fun. All staff members were supportive yet challenging. I was pleasantly surprised not to feel my age as a handicap among students largely much younger than me. I had fun with them and met many other older students as well. As to the activities offered by the school, there were so many of them that you could pick and choose. My husband (studying at a different level than mine) and I, did exactly that. We didn't go to all but enjoyed what we had chosen. We enjoyed the cooking class, the songs, the movies, the Saturday excursion. I saw a critic among the reviews concerning a bull fight and I thought that was totally out of line. If you disagree with an offered activity that is part of the culture you are supposedly trying to learn about, just don't go. But don't blame the school for offering other people with different values than yours a chance to experience that activity! Anyway, we had such a good experience that we are seriously thinking about going back to study in Taronja next spring for a couple of weeks at least. Well done Taronja staff, the whole team, teachers, office staff, organizers. We loved the school, we adored Valencia. We will be back. Thank you all so much!
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Robin van der Swaan
Una escuela con los mejores profesores y las mejores actividades!
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Julia Zisman
I would like to thank everyone for the experience! I really needed to improve the grammar, and I think this school was the first one where I could really feel some improvement (even though I was there for only two weeks). And they have many nice activities, so, you'll always have interesting options for how to spend your time outside the classroom. Another nice thing about the school is that they change the time of your classes during the high season (which is summer), so, you'll be able to have mornings and evenings free depending on the day. You also get to have classes with different teachers, cause they change every week, and then during one week you'll have two different ones. So, that's good too. Nice school! Definitely worth considering if you are thinking of learning Spanish in Valencia.
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Aleksandra Kiedrowski
Great school, excellent oprganization and wonderful teachers. I dont know how it is in high season (July, August), but in June there were small groups of 3 - 7 people, which gave the opportunity to speak frequently. The teachers spoke only Spanish which was a great lesson. I spent two weeks there and regret that it was so short. I highly recommend!
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Antonio Cinque
The best spanish school you can find in Valencia : Lessons are formative and never boring, The school offers a weekly and always different programme of cultural and leisure activities that are very helpful to practice the language, discover the Spanish and Valencian culture and make new friends. Teachers are competent and very friendly, they will make you feel like in a family and soon they will become your friends! Personally i stayed 3 months in this school and not only i learned spanish, but i have shared lovely moments with great people i will always remember with affection. Vamos Taronja y gracias por todo!! ❤️
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5 star rating
Замечательная школа Брала две недели уроков испанского языка, они просто пролетели за одно мгновение) Школа потрясающая-современные аудитории, индивидуальный подход, на протяжении всего обучения ощущается мощная поддержка, как будто оказываешься в кругу семьи. После занятий (а они идут зиг-загом, то есть в один день можно отоспаться подольше, а в другой день наборот-встать пораньше и посмотреть закат на пляже, к примеру. Сам город тоже очень интересный, есть множество мест, которые стоит посетить-например, по воскресеньям все муниципальные музеи бесплатны.
Жила в квартире, предложенной от школы, она располагалась в самом центре и в 10 минутах ходьбы от самой школы-очень удобно.Также в школе есть огромная вариация культурных мероприятий-после учебы не заскучаешь 🙂 Можно сходить послушать песни на испанскомкаждый вторник это вечера паэльи, когда собирается вместе вся школаеженедельные экскурсии по городу. В общем, замечательная школа и собираюсь сюда вернуться еще ни раз!!
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