Praktikum oder Freiwilligenarbeit

Praktikum an der spanischen Sprachschule Taronja.

Möchtest du einen Freiwilligendienst oder ein Praktikum in einem spanischen Unternehmen in einem bestimmten Sektor absolvieren? Unser Praktikumsprogramm richtet sich an Studenten mit fortgeschrittenen Spanischkenntnissen, mindestens auf B2-Niveau. Das Programm besteht aus zwei Teilen:

TEIL 1Dreiwöchiger Spanisch-Intensivkurs,
TEIL 2Praktikum von mindestens 4 Wochen in einem spanischen Unternehmen (unbezahlt).

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Dies ist die beste Möglichkeit, mit uns zu arbeiten und gleichzeitig Spanisch zu lernen. Unser Praktikumsprogramm in TARONJA beinhaltet kostenlosen Spanischunterricht. Wenn du interessierst bist, nimm bitte Kontakt mit uns auf und fordere weitere Informationen an. Unsere Kontakt-E-Mail-Adresse lautet:

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Praktikum 1
Patrick Golz
Really amazing language school in Valencia. Groups are small and the teachers are very nice and know what their doing. And they organize really cool events every day to get to know the other students and practice your Spanish. Will come back next year for sure.
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5 star rating
MEJOR ESCUELA DE ESPAÑOL EN VALENCIA! Estuve en taronja durante cinco semanas completamente sola, fue mi primera experiencia de viaje en solitaria. A ver, yo compartía un piso con 5 chicos procedentes de todo el mundo, por eso nunca me sentí realmente sola, las clases son extructuradas muy bien, los profes competentes, cada día hay actividades diferentes muy baratas/ gratuidas y muy divertidas,las mejores fiestas en la playa. Por cualquier duda son disponibles en ayudarte, si tienes un problema tratan resolver, personas estupendas, siempre piden opiniones de los estudiantes para mejorar el servicio. Lo único mejorable son los pisos, mi alojamiento tenía la ventana frente a las tuberías de alcantarillado, por eso olía muy es culpa de ellos, los edificios en Valencia son todos muy viejos, solo tenéis que tener suerte con los pisos aja y ellos podrían seleccionarlos un poco más, y no alquilar los pejores (otros amigos míos se lamentaban de eso..) Por lo demás, experiencia total, muy aconsejada, es dinero muy bien gastado, seguro te la vas a pasar bien. Siete dei fighi, bravi!
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Stefan Carlsson
Hola! Before I arrived to Taronja I knew that I loved the city but I did´nt know much about the school. It did´nt take long before I started to love the school as much as I loved Valencia. The school, the classes and the teachers were fun, friendly and helpful. Besides the regular courses there was always something else to do - great activities with great people to do them with. I enjoyed my stay so much that I extended it and currently planning my next one. This is a school I would recomend to anyone Nos vemos pronto, hasta luego!
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Julia Zisman
I would like to thank everyone for the experience! I really needed to improve the grammar, and I think this school was the first one where I could really feel some improvement (even though I was there for only two weeks). And they have many nice activities, so, you'll always have interesting options for how to spend your time outside the classroom. Another nice thing about the school is that they change the time of your classes during the high season (which is summer), so, you'll be able to have mornings and evenings free depending on the day. You also get to have classes with different teachers, cause they change every week, and then during one week you'll have two different ones. So, that's good too. Nice school! Definitely worth considering if you are thinking of learning Spanish in Valencia.
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Elena De Lazzari
Hi guys! I'm Elena, a 30yo Italian girl from Venice. I spent 3 weeks in the beautiful city of Valencia 4 years ago, it was my first vacation in Spain and I decided to start learning the language doing a course in Taronja. What a great choice! Days passed by super quickly, I really enjoyed the time I spent there as I felt part of a huge family. They propose interesting activities every day and night and during the week end, supporting people in interacting and meeting new friends. I learnt a lot, Professors were kind and professional and the method they use is the best I tried up to now. I planned my vacations in Barcelona, Malaga and Madrid, always matching with Spanish lessons, during the following 3 years but Taronja remains my favourite. Swapping courses timing every day gives you a lot of free time to go to the beach or visit the city. Nice idea the cooking lessons, too! Super positive feedback for you guys! That's why I decided to come back this August to spend a month with you! See you soon Elena
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5 star rating
Лучшая школа для изучения испанского языка В июле 2019 года с подругой по рекомендации преподавателя из университета поехали в Taronja School, чтобы повысить уровень испанского языка. Я брала двухнедельный интенсивный курс + conversation workshop. Результат превзошёл все ожидания! Особенно важным для меня стало исчезновение так называемого "языкового барьера". Отдельно стоит отметить приятную атмосферу и дополнительные занятия, которые позволяют углубиться в культуру Испании, а также познакомиться с другими студентами Таронхи. Все возникающие проблемы решались очень быстро, не причиняя никаких неудобств. Без сомнений, вернусь сюда снова!
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