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45marieh_l_nek Avatar
5 star rating
excellente école d'espagnol à Valence Taronja est une véritable école de langue espagnol pour les étrangers du monde entier, avec non seulement des cours de langues mais toute une série d'activités organisées gratuitement par l'école, d'autres seront payantes aussi selon l'activités en question.
très bonne ambiance et supers profs
Antonio Cinque Avatar
Antonio Cinque
The best spanish school you can find in Valencia : Lessons are formative and never boring, The school offers a weekly and always different programme of cultural and leisure activities that are very helpful to practice the language, discover the Spanish and Valencian culture and make new friends. Teachers are competent and very friendly, they will make you feel like in a family and soon they will become your friends! Personally i stayed 3 months in this school and not only i learned spanish, but i have shared lovely moments with great people i will always remember with affection. Vamos Taronja y gracias por todo!! ❤️
Sarah Bowman Avatar
Sarah Bowman
If I can learn Spanish then anyone can! In a space of 6 weeks I went from saying "sin comentarios" in class to speaking short sentences with lovely regular, irregular and reflexive verbs ?. Teachers and administration staff are professional, friendly and supportive. I am going to miss my "chitty chats" with the Reception desk ?
Christine Dowrick Avatar
Christine Dowrick
Super week learning new language, remembering forgotten fragments and updating old phrases. The course was really well structured and delivered and great fun. Everyone was very helpful and friendly. The Spanish cooking and singing sessions were the icing on the cake and the sun shone on the beautiful city of Valencia every day.
Salvini1967 Avatar
5 star rating
Bellissima esperienza Taronja non è solo una scuola ma è un’esperienza.
La scuola Taronja è l’ideale per chi vuole divertirsi, vivere il mare e al contempo imparare lo spagnolo.
I professori sono tutti giovanissimi e preparati; si vede che hanno voglia di fare il loro lavoro e sono sempre disponibili.
Il punto di forza è il programma settimanale della scuola, in cui, per ogni giorno, si organizzano attività extra (la maggior parte gratuite) che vanno dalla paella di benvenuto alle feste in discoteca o in piscina.
Come studenti si possono incontrare tedeschi, svizzeri e ovviamente molti italiani, con fasce d'età ben distribuite.
Paola Campanelli Avatar
Paola Campanelli
Fantastic friendly school with perfect service. ¡Me gustó todo!!