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Caitriona Cuddy
I would highly recommend this language school, with its competent teachers who are innovative and interested in their students. The material used is always of an excellent standard. The school has two bright buildings and there is a calendar of events each week both for students attending and those taking classes online.
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5 star rating
Taronja y Valencia - la combinación perfecta para aprender español Los aspectos de Taronja que más me gustan:
- Los profesores creativos, enérgicos y profesionales.
- Un equipo administrativo excelente.
- Un programa social y cultural excepcional.
- Un fuerte sentido de comunidad.
Si buscas una escuela de español que te ofrece instrucción de alta calidad en un entorno eficaz y divertido, deberías pensar en Taronja School. Acabo de cumplir un curso de dos meses y el tiempo ha pasado demasiado rápido. Ha sido una experiencia muy recomendable.
Además de crear un ambiente educativo de alta calidad, Taronja fomenta un sentido de familia que refuerza aún más la experiencia. La comunidad Taronja abraza a los alumnos de todas las edades y todas los niveles de habilidad.
Taronja refleja muchas de las cualidades que me atrajo a Valencia. Es lo suficientemente grande para satisfacer todas las necesidades mientras sigue siendo personal y auténtica. Los profesores y el equipo administrativo son cálidos, abiertos y atentos. Desde mi punto de vista, Taronja y Valencia forman la combinación perfecta para aprender español.
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Finn mullins
Superb course and lovely teachers, willing to give you their time and attention to solving complicated questions and issues within the Castellano Spanish language. Really benefited from this course. It has a more speaking approach instead of an examination. They want you to be fluent not pass a test.
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Linda KH
I took classes at Taronja for three weeks in October and can highly recommend the school. I cannot imagine there being a better school. I scouted for months before making the decision and was so glad I had chosen Taronja. There are several points which make it such a good school. - the highly motivated and friendly teachers - there effort at getting everyone to speak Spanish only, which of course speeds up your acqusition of the language - the extracurricular activities are not only interesting, but help increase your language skills and keep you busy (if you are alone, it's nice to have something to keep you active especially the first week when you don't know your way around yet) I will definitely take more classes here. I recommend saving yourself all the time needed for researching the internet. You have made the right decision with Taronja! My greetings to everyone there. Linda
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5 star rating
La scuola numero 1 a Valencia Scuola eccellente con uno staff preparato e cordiale sempre pronto ad aiutarti per ogni necessità. Gli insegnanti sono tutti molto bravi, disponibili e simpatici. La struttura e moderna e funzionale con aule dotate di lavagne elettroniche, ipads e sala comune con computer. La scuola inoltre organizza attività molto belle e coinvolgenti, tra cui: lezioni di cucina spagnola, escursioni e paella di benvenuto. Sono stato alla Taronja per 4 settimane nelle quali ho migliorato molto il mio livello di spagnolo e conosciuto gente splendida. La consiglio vivamente a chiunque sia interessato a imparare lo spagnolo a Valencia
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5 star rating
Great experience! Great classes, great way to learn new cultures and new people. Just an amazing experience! I highly recommend it to everyone!
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