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5 star rating
Great school of Spanish language Several years ago I've studied at Taronja school for 2 weeks and it was a great time that I still remember. The teachers were enthusiastic and spent a lot of time with there students not only in classes but also during extracurricular activities. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot in just 2 weeks in Valencia. I still remember this great time and I would love to come back to the beautiful city of Valencia and this wonderful school!
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Grant Gibbs
Did a week here as part of my trip around España in November 2019. This was a very good experience. It is true what people say about this place, it is more than just a Language school, it is a full immersion trip into Spanish culture.
I very much enjoyed my time here and met some proper tidy folks. my only problem was that i couldn't spend a 2nd week here due to timings. Because of this, i feel i missed out on a lot of the extra activities due to the zig zag schedule and not being present for the switch-round in the 2nd week.
All in all though this was excellent and well worth the money. a 2nd trip is definitely on the cards for 2020 for at least 2-3 weeks. Tengo que volver a Valencia pronto!!!
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5 star rating
Лучшая школа для изучения испанского языка В июле 2019 года с подругой по рекомендации преподавателя из университета поехали в Taronja School, чтобы повысить уровень испанского языка. Я брала двухнедельный интенсивный курс + conversation workshop. Результат превзошёл все ожидания! Особенно важным для меня стало исчезновение так называемого "языкового барьера". Отдельно стоит отметить приятную атмосферу и дополнительные занятия, которые позволяют углубиться в культуру Испании, а также познакомиться с другими студентами Таронхи. Все возникающие проблемы решались очень быстро, не причиняя никаких неудобств. Без сомнений, вернусь сюда снова!
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5 star rating
Scuola di spagnolo a Valencia Sono tornato alla Taronja School a Valencia e come la prima volta ho ritrovato ragazzi motivati simpatici, divertenti e molto originali ma anche molto professionali, efficaci e ben organizzati.
E’ stata di nuovo una bella esperienza … grazie ragazzi!!!
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Hristina Yordanova
Estupenda escuela, amables profesores, muchas actividades y una experiencia de vida fenomenal! I did an intensive course at Taronja last summer and all I can say is it was an amazing, unforgettable experience. Everything is organised very well, relaxed study environment and a certain way to make you love the language even more. Very sociable, amusing and the location is just perfect. Not to mention that Valencia is such a lovely place that since then I have been dreaming of moving there for good. I will definitely do a course there again and I would recommend it to everyone :-)))
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5 star rating
La mejor escuela para aprender español Hola, ya he estado tres veces en la escuela Taronja en Valencia.
Allí puedes aprender un montón y vas a tener mucho diversión. Vale la pena... 🙂
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