Was ist eine Diverclass?

Die Diverclass sind eine Mischung aus lustigen Aktivitäten und Spanischunterricht. Indem Du spielerisch faszinierende Aspekte der spanischen Kultur entdeckst, lernst du gleichzeitig auch unsere Sprache weiter. Einige unserer erstaunlichen Diverclasses sind: Pinchadiscos, Legenden und Mysterien, Culturetas, Kochkurs….

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Was ist eine Diverclass? 2
Claire Rice
I am a retired language teacher (at high school and university level ) and as such I feel I can offer a qualified opinion on the teaching method of the Taronja staff. I am pleased to give it 5 stars. All lessons were well prepared, engaging and fun. All staff members were supportive yet challenging. I was pleasantly surprised not to feel my age as a handicap among students largely much younger than me. I had fun with them and met many other older students as well. As to the activities offered by the school, there were so many of them that you could pick and choose. My husband (studying at a different level than mine) and I, did exactly that. We didn't go to all but enjoyed what we had chosen. We enjoyed the cooking class, the songs, the movies, the Saturday excursion. I saw a critic among the reviews concerning a bull fight and I thought that was totally out of line. If you disagree with an offered activity that is part of the culture you are supposedly trying to learn about, just don't go. But don't blame the school for offering other people with different values than yours a chance to experience that activity! Anyway, we had such a good experience that we are seriously thinking about going back to study in Taronja next spring for a couple of weeks at least. Well done Taronja staff, the whole team, teachers, office staff, organizers. We loved the school, we adored Valencia. We will be back. Thank you all so much!
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Floor de Laat
Taronja is a really nice school to learn Spanish. I would definitely recommend this when you are looking for a opportunity to study Spanish in Spain. The atmosphere is very chill and friendly, teachers like teaching and helping you. They also offer lots of fun activities everyday which you can participate in voluntarily. This helps you in meeting so many new people. I really enjoyed my time at Taronja, and I would like to return if I can 😉
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Guido Balestri
Best language school ever. Try it, you'll never be disappointed.
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5 star rating
No Regrets! Ero alla ricerca di un'esperienza estiva differente, qualcosa che potesse permettermi di accrescere il mio bagaglio culturale e perché no di crescere, conoscere gente migliorare una lingua che sempre mi ha affascinato, così ho deciso: me ne vado in Spagna, a Valencia (ne ho sentito parlare così tanto che mi son detto devo assolutamente andarci). Così inizio la mia ricerca di scuole, ne vedo un pò inizio a fare le prime indagini perché comunque si vuol sempre andare in un posto che ti faccia star bene, ne vedo una, due però nessuna che mi abbia fatto scattare la "scintilla" finché non mi imbatto nella scuola TARONJA, inizio a visitare il loro sito a leggere un pò di recensioni cosi li contatto, è che dire i piccoli dettagli fanno la differenza, assistenza e cordialità fin da subito, dalla prima email è cosi ho deciso che è qui che avrei passato le mie 2 settimane. Un'esperienza stupenda che porterò sempre con me, che non vedo l'ora di ripetere il prima possibile. In Taronja si respira un ambiente familiare, tutto lo staff è sempre disponibile, simpatico e meritano un sentito complimento. I prof sono tutti giovani quindi imparare e migliorarsi diventa molto più facile. Cosa fondamentale sono le attività organizzate dalla scuola avrete sempre qualcosa da fare e non è mai qualcosa di noioso! Sono felicissimo della mia scelta!
Hasta pronto Taronja!
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5 star rating
Amazing summer learning Spanish with Taronja I was here for two months in summer and had a really positive experience. I actually booked only for one month but ended up extending for an extra month. The classes were fun, interesting, and I felt comfortable talking, learning, (and making mistakes), with my classmates mad teachers. You need an intital assesment of your spanish skills (quick questionnaire, and a couple of minutes speaking) and then get placed into a class for your level. However, if it is too difficult, or easy, there is no problem with changing class, and I found the staff, and the headteacher, Jenny, very friendly and easy to talk to, and always happy to help with anything.
It is easy to make friends, which is important if you are coming here on your own (like me) and there were social acitivties every night. These ranged from paella nights, language exchanges, and generally drinking and socialising. Always fun. I was here in summer which would offer a bigger social life compared to low-season/ winter etc.
The lessons are varied and you use handouts, quiz games, group tasks, videos, songs, etc, in order to learn in a varied way.
I would recommend to anyone who values a more fun and social atmosphere to learn and I definitely feel like I improved a lot. In 2 months, I went from a low A2, to a B1 level, and I had a lot of practice actually speaking the Spanish that I had learned.
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5 star rating
Замечательная школа Брала две недели уроков испанского языка, они просто пролетели за одно мгновение) Школа потрясающая-современные аудитории, индивидуальный подход, на протяжении всего обучения ощущается мощная поддержка, как будто оказываешься в кругу семьи. После занятий (а они идут зиг-загом, то есть в один день можно отоспаться подольше, а в другой день наборот-встать пораньше и посмотреть закат на пляже, к примеру. Сам город тоже очень интересный, есть множество мест, которые стоит посетить-например, по воскресеньям все муниципальные музеи бесплатны.
Жила в квартире, предложенной от школы, она располагалась в самом центре и в 10 минутах ходьбы от самой школы-очень удобно.Также в школе есть огромная вариация культурных мероприятий-после учебы не заскучаешь 🙂 Можно сходить послушать песни на испанскомкаждый вторник это вечера паэльи, когда собирается вместе вся школаеженедельные экскурсии по городу. В общем, замечательная школа и собираюсь сюда вернуться еще ни раз!!
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