Fünf Gründe, Spanisch online zu lernen

  • Jede Woche Live-Unterricht mit professionellen Lehrern.
  • Schule mit 16 Jahren Erfahrung. Akkreditiert durch das Cervantes-Institut.
  • Kostenloser Zugang zu allen Diverclasses. 2 pro Monat. Unten kannst Du lesen, was eine Diverclass ist.
  • Alle Kurstypen: Du kannst dein Programm um einen Konversations- oder Grammatikkurs zu Sonderpreisen erweitern.
  • Am Ende des Kurses erhälst Du Dein Spanisch-Zertifikat.

Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?

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Fünf Gründe, Spanisch online zu lernen 2
5 star rating
Taronja es la mejor escuela de español en Valencia Fue un placer y buena experiencia pasar en Taronja dos semanas inolvidables aprendiendo español con mejores profesores entre los estudiantes de todo el mundo. He elegido esta escuela porque es el Centro acreditado por el Instituto Cervantes. Tuve suerte de estar a la presentación de Taronja en Moscú y conocer a los profes y su manera de enseñar. Desde entonces tenía muchas ganas de conocer Valencia y estudiar en Taronja. No me quedé desilusionada, todo fue genial! Buena ubicación, ambiente amistoso, actividades interesantes para todos los gustos. Taronja es como una familia grande para sus alumnos, sigo en contacto con mis compañeros del grupo y algunos profes. Es una exelente posibilidad combinar los estudios con el descanso a la playa y el ocio cultural. A pesar de algunos inconvenientes del alojamiento (vivía en apartamento compartido) he estado muy contenta por mi viaje. Este año vuelvo a Valencia y Taronja.
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Shae Isaacs
I highly recommend Taronja! The school has been around for many years but recently got a brand new facility with brightly colored walls and excellent smart board technology. I had several different teachers, all of whom were excellent, and I found the curriculum very well organized. I especially liked the way the school’s advisors worked with me before and when I arrived to find the perfect placement for me. The majority of the students are young, but as a 50+ student, I’m happy to report I found classmates my age, too, and met some really interesting people of all ages and nationalities. In addition to classes, I took a couple of private lessons that really helped me. A huge plus for Taronja are its activities; every night you can participate in something - totally optional - from walks around the city, to cooking classes, to painting classes … And on the weekend they offer amazing excursions!! All great ways to practice your Spanish and experience Spanish culture. If I went back to Valencia, which I hope to do, I wouldn’t consider any other school. Thank you Taronja!!!
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Sarah Guck
Finally I totally recommend Taronja in Valencia!
I have learned a lot en espagñol!
Before my course I could speak nada, but afterwards not directly fluently, but I can talk with people and friends now de España, who I met here during my stay and of participating on actividades de escuela.
Everybody is very polite and open for questions, especially about espagñol 🙂
Summary I would choose this escuela otra vez!
¡Hasta luego!
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5 star rating
The best school for you to learn Spanish! ☺️ Great teachers, perfect atmosphere, great Activities! Every day is a new adventure, everyone is so opened, help you when you have question and helping you with your Spanish with good material and lessons. Love it, would recommend it to everyone! ️
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David E
5 star rating
A very enjoyable place to learn Spanish I have just finished a two week intensive course at Escuela Taronja and am already missing it. I am at an early intermediate level and the experience of the last two weeks have boosted my confidence and stretched my knowledge so much. I was a little intimidated by the idea of being middle aged and out of my comfort zone but the school is so supportive, inclusive all all ages and quick to ensure that you are in a class at the right level. I would encourage anyone going to the school to jump in with both feet and take up all the various social opportunities that are on offer,,they were great fun and I met some new friends that I hope to
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5 star rating
Otra vez por favor! Ich kann nur Positives über die Schule berichten. Ich war das 2.Mal für einen ca. einmonatigen Aufenthalt in der Schule und trotz Covid haben wir gemeinsam mit den jungen Lehrern und dem Animationsteam viel unternommen. Und das ist es auch, was diese Schule so besonders macht. Guten Unterricht gibt es glaube ich in vielen Schulen und hängt oftmals davon ab, ob man die Lehrerperson mag oder die Gruppe nett ist.
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