Spazieren und lernen

Entdecke die wichtigsten Gebäude und emblematischen Orte des Stadtzentrums von Valencia auf unterhaltsame Art und Weise, während du durch unsere wunderbaren Routen Spanisch lernst.

Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?

Dies sind einige der Meinungen unserer Schüler. Sie geben uns die Preise!

Spazieren und lernen 2
5 star rating
Ottima scuola per studenti stranieri che vogliono imparare lo spagnolo In soggiorno a Valencia abbiamo approfittato per far svolgere un corso di 2 settimane a mia figlia che voleva approfondire il suo spagnolo. Consigliatami da amici si è rivelata una proficua esperienza. Ho parlato con gli insegnanti che fin da subito ho trovato gentili e disponibili. Mia figlia mi ha riferito che l'ambiente e il personale sono molto accoglienti. Gli insegnanti sono coinvolgenti e qualificati, oltre alla didattica partecipano alle attività organizzate della scuola. Ha avuto l'opportunità di conoscere persone da tutto il mondo e migliorare il suo spagnolo in poco tempo divertendosi. È stata un'esperienza molto positiva, infatti questa estate ci ritornerà ed io ne approfitterò per rifare un bel viaggio.
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Eva S
Entering the school through a beautiful massive and decorative door (on a street where you’d love to have your coffee and lunchbreaks), the inside will surprise you even more: an explosion of colours, art and atmosphere. And that’s what the teachers carry out too: such passion and enthusiasm. But the learning doesn’t stop as soon as class comes to an end. Taronja organises plenty of very fun, optional activities. In the afternoon, evening and even in the weekends. No chance to get bored here… I’m going to stay longer!
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Andrea Maria Bokler
Taronja is a wonderful place to be. The atmosphere is pleasant, always a friendly and warm welcome and it makes it easy to feel at home in Valencia. I like the style of teaching at Taronja: it is innovative and creative. The people at Taronja are passionate about their work, are in it with their hearts and love to teach. I benefited a lot from the special combination of learning a language and exploring the culture with all my senses (e.g. cooking class). I can warmly recommend Taronja...
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Elena De Lazzari
Hi guys! I'm Elena, a 30yo Italian girl from Venice. I spent 3 weeks in the beautiful city of Valencia 4 years ago, it was my first vacation in Spain and I decided to start learning the language doing a course in Taronja. What a great choice! Days passed by super quickly, I really enjoyed the time I spent there as I felt part of a huge family. They propose interesting activities every day and night and during the week end, supporting people in interacting and meeting new friends. I learnt a lot, Professors were kind and professional and the method they use is the best I tried up to now. I planned my vacations in Barcelona, Malaga and Madrid, always matching with Spanish lessons, during the following 3 years but Taronja remains my favourite. Swapping courses timing every day gives you a lot of free time to go to the beach or visit the city. Nice idea the cooking lessons, too! Super positive feedback for you guys! That's why I decided to come back this August to spend a month with you! See you soon Elena
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5 star rating
Ausgezeichnete Sprachschule Ich hatte 1 Woche Intensivkurs mit 1 Std. Konversationsworkshop gebucht. Bei Anmeldung musste ein Einstufungstest (schriftlich und mündlich per Handy-Video oder Telefonat) ausgefüllt werden. Am ersten Tag gab es ein erstes Treffen, bei dem die Kurseinteilung erfolgte und die Organisation der Schule erklärte wurde. Unterricht war vormittags (9-12.45 Uhr) und nachmittags (14.30-18.15 Uhr) im täglichen Wechsel, dazu Konversation etwa von 13.30-14.30 Uhr (nur in der ersten Woche inklusive). Gruppengröße offiziell bis 10 Personen, meist waren aber nur 5-6 anwesend. Zusammensetzung international, Alter von 18 bis Ü70, wobei die Jüngeren meist über mehrere Monate bleiben. Ich war im Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs (B2) und habe viel gelernt, insbesondere meine Unsicherheit beim Sprechen konnte ich überwinden. Die Stimmung war ausgezeichnet, wir haben viel gelacht, über alle möglichen Themen geredet und lernten auch viele Wörter der Umgangssprache.
Jeden Abend fanden verschiedene Aktivitäten statt, bei denen man sich mit anderen Studenten und den Lehrern austauschen konnte (ebenfalls fast ausschließlich auf Spanisch). Auch am Wochenende wurden Ausflüge angeboten. Insgesamt sehr empfehlenswert!
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Grant Gibbs
Did a week here as part of my trip around España in November 2019. This was a very good experience. It is true what people say about this place, it is more than just a Language school, it is a full immersion trip into Spanish culture.
I very much enjoyed my time here and met some proper tidy folks. my only problem was that i couldn't spend a 2nd week here due to timings. Because of this, i feel i missed out on a lot of the extra activities due to the zig zag schedule and not being present for the switch-round in the 2nd week.
All in all though this was excellent and well worth the money. a 2nd trip is definitely on the cards for 2020 for at least 2-3 weeks. Tengo que volver a Valencia pronto!!!
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