
Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?

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Konversationsunterricht 2
Patrick Golz
Really amazing language school in Valencia. Groups are small and the teachers are very nice and know what their doing. And they organize really cool events every day to get to know the other students and practice your Spanish. Will come back next year for sure.
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Gosia Gniadek
Great classes, tona of extra activities and school parties like: Tapachat or Paella Party, Fiesta Mexicana on the beach. Ecery week on weekend there are some bigger tripa organised. It os super easy to make friends. It first I was afraid I won’t find friends my age at the school, age variety is huge so everyone easy gets along with others.
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Floor de Laat
Taronja is a really nice school to learn Spanish. I would definitely recommend this when you are looking for a opportunity to study Spanish in Spain. The atmosphere is very chill and friendly, teachers like teaching and helping you. They also offer lots of fun activities everyday which you can participate in voluntarily. This helps you in meeting so many new people. I really enjoyed my time at Taronja, and I would like to return if I can 😉
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Hana Zemcik
Had a GREAT time and improved my spanish a LOT in Taronja. The lecturers were pros and the out-of-school program was very entertaining. Without doubt, I recommend Taronja and Valencia (y)
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5 star rating
Оно того стоит Были каникулы в университете, и решила на недельку поехать в Испанию,заодно и испанский получить. Очень классный опыт, даже за неделю я почувствовала, как мой испанский с почти нуля дотянули до основ. Очень вдохновляющие, разные совершенно люди из разных стран были в классах и на мероприятиях, много классных знакомств случилось. Если хотите много практиковать испанский, то вперёд. Ещё в семью заселитесь - не будете говорить ни на русском ни английском вообще. Я общалась с хост мамой с помощью переводчика на телефоне
Учителя преподают не скучно. Мероприятия не дают сидеть дома.
Единственный минус то, что иногда учишься по вечерам, мне было очень тяжело.
И, конечно, самое грустное - уехать после одной недели. Кто-то приезжает на 3 месяца, кто-то на 6,кто-то переехал совсем. А ты погружаешься в эту атмосферу и уезжаешь через неделю. 🙁
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mary kitson
Had a fun week learning Spanish with friendly and interesting people. There were social activities for all and I had some lovely evening s of wine a tapas organised by Sue and Melo who made sure all were welcome. Highly recommend
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