Eine der Aktivitäten, die wir häufig organisieren, ist ein Sprachaustausch, bei dem du mit Muttersprachlern Spanisch sprechen kannst. Dort wirst du Spanier treffen und das im Unterricht Gelernte anwenden. Gleichzeitig hilfst du ihnen, deine Sprache zu lernen. Das ist der beste Weg, um Spanisch zu lernen und Freunde in Valencia zu finden!
Neueste Nachrichten von der Taronja Schule
Mit unseren Kursen kannst du deinen mündlichen Ausdruck verbessern und auf unterhaltsame Art und Weise lernen, wie wir Spanier sind.
Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?
Dies sind einige der Meinungen unserer Schüler. Sie geben uns die Preise!
Lee Freeman
I spent a fantastic week at Taronja in May 2019. The booking process was really straightforward (and I appreciated being able to sort out my accommodation through the school too) albeit a little embarrassing when recording a video of myself to have my level assessed 🙈. The booking information I received indicated that someone would be there to greet me at the accommodation upon arrival, but this wasn't the case – I didn't mind though because I'm a grown up and don't really need looking out for like that. The teachers and supporting staff were really friendly and helpful. The classes were challenging and taught entirely in Spanish, which I think is really beneficial and, for the level I was at (~B1), falling back to English shouldn't really be necessary. In the week I was there we alternated between days studying grammar (the present subjunctive) and more 'relaxing' days where we dived deeper into other topics such as ser/estar and por/para (though I would have been happier doing even more grammar studies, but maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment). I think what really stood out about my week at Taronja was the effort put into the social activities. There were things to do every evening and a weekend excursion had been organized too (but unfortunately I had to fly home that day and couldn't attend), so even if you arrive as a solo learner/traveller, you'll be able to find people to hang out with fairly quickly. In case it isn't clear, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend studying at Taronja, however I feel that attending for 1 week simply wasn't enough. Many of the people I met were staying for any amount of time from 3 weeks to 3 months. It's for this reason that I intend to return to Taronja next month for 2 weeks to try and really press on with improving my Spanish (and escape the miserable Dutch summer).
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La scuola numero 1 a Valencia Scuola eccellente con uno staff preparato e cordiale sempre pronto ad aiutarti per ogni necessità. Gli insegnanti sono tutti molto bravi, disponibili e simpatici. La struttura e moderna e funzionale con aule dotate di lavagne elettroniche, ipads e sala comune con computer. La scuola inoltre organizza attività molto belle e coinvolgenti, tra cui: lezioni di cucina spagnola, escursioni e paella di benvenuto. Sono stato alla Taronja per 4 settimane nelle quali ho migliorato molto il mio livello di spagnolo e conosciuto gente splendida. La consiglio vivamente a chiunque sia interessato a imparare lo spagnolo a Valencia
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