Die Diverclass sind eine Mischung aus lustigen Aktivitäten und Spanischunterricht. Indem Du spielerisch faszinierende Aspekte der spanischen Kultur entdeckst, lernst du gleichzeitig auch unsere Sprache weiter. Einige unserer erstaunlichen Diverclasses sind: Pinchadiscos, Legenden und Mysterien, Culturetas, Kochkurs….
Neueste Nachrichten von der Taronja Schule
Mit unseren Kursen kannst du deinen mündlichen Ausdruck verbessern und auf unterhaltsame Art und Weise lernen, wie wir Spanier sind.
Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?
Dies sind einige der Meinungen unserer Schüler. Sie geben uns die Preise!
Eva S
Entering the school through a beautiful massive and decorative door (on a street where you’d love to have your coffee and lunchbreaks), the inside will surprise you even more: an explosion of colours, art and atmosphere. And that’s what the teachers carry out too: such passion and enthusiasm. But the learning doesn’t stop as soon as class comes to an end. Taronja organises plenty of very fun, optional activities. In the afternoon, evening and even in the weekends. No chance to get bored here… I’m going to stay longer!
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Finn mullins
Superb course and lovely teachers, willing to give you their time and attention to solving complicated questions and issues within the Castellano Spanish language. Really benefited from this course. It has a more speaking approach instead of an examination. They want you to be fluent not pass a test.
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excellente école d'espagnol à Valence Taronja est une véritable école de langue espagnol pour les étrangers du monde entier, avec non seulement des cours de langues mais toute une série d'activités organisées gratuitement par l'école, d'autres seront payantes aussi selon l'activités en question.
très bonne ambiance et supers profs
très bonne ambiance et supers profs
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Moderne en leuke manier van lesgeven Ik heb hier twee weken een cursus gevolgd en wat me vooral opviel is dat er op een moderne manier wordt les gegeven. Niet 'ouderwets' uit saaie boeken maar met steeds wisselende soorten oefeningen en gericht op de praktijk.
De staff en leraren zij over het algemeen erg enthousiast wat de hele ervaring exra leuk maakt.
De staff en leraren zij over het algemeen erg enthousiast wat de hele ervaring exra leuk maakt.
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Grant Gibbs
Did a week here as part of my trip around España in November 2019. This was a very good experience. It is true what people say about this place, it is more than just a Language school, it is a full immersion trip into Spanish culture.
I very much enjoyed my time here and met some proper tidy folks. my only problem was that i couldn't spend a 2nd week here due to timings. Because of this, i feel i missed out on a lot of the extra activities due to the zig zag schedule and not being present for the switch-round in the 2nd week.
All in all though this was excellent and well worth the money. a 2nd trip is definitely on the cards for 2020 for at least 2-3 weeks. Tengo que volver a Valencia pronto!!!
I very much enjoyed my time here and met some proper tidy folks. my only problem was that i couldn't spend a 2nd week here due to timings. Because of this, i feel i missed out on a lot of the extra activities due to the zig zag schedule and not being present for the switch-round in the 2nd week.
All in all though this was excellent and well worth the money. a 2nd trip is definitely on the cards for 2020 for at least 2-3 weeks. Tengo que volver a Valencia pronto!!!
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