Weitere wöchentliche Aktivitäten gegen Aufpreis

In der Spanisch Sprachschule Taronja werden neben den didaktischen und sozialen Aktivitäten, die in den Kursen enthalten sind und die wir oben beschrieben haben, viele andere Aktivitäten während der Woche organisiert, wie zum Beispiel: Flamenco, Tapas-Route, Partys, Abendessen, Kino…. Wir versuchen, unseren Schülern jeden Tag etwas zu bieten. Es ist die beste Art, sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen und eine ideale Möglichkeit, die Stadt Valencia zu genießen und gleichzeitig Spanisch zu lernen. Diese Aktivitäten sind fakultativ und kosten einen Aufpreis, sind aber immer sehr günstig und wirtschaftlich.

Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?

Dies sind einige der Meinungen unserer Schüler. Sie geben uns die Preise!

Weitere wöchentliche Aktivitäten gegen Aufpreis 2
5 star rating
Solo lo mejor. Perfecto para empezar o mejorar en cualquier nivel. Muchas ocasiones para hablar con chicos y chicas de paises diferentes.
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5 star rating
Bellissima esperienza Taronja non è solo una scuola ma è un’esperienza.
La scuola Taronja è l’ideale per chi vuole divertirsi, vivere il mare e al contempo imparare lo spagnolo.
I professori sono tutti giovanissimi e preparati; si vede che hanno voglia di fare il loro lavoro e sono sempre disponibili.
Il punto di forza è il programma settimanale della scuola, in cui, per ogni giorno, si organizzano attività extra (la maggior parte gratuite) che vanno dalla paella di benvenuto alle feste in discoteca o in piscina.
Come studenti si possono incontrare tedeschi, svizzeri e ovviamente molti italiani, con fasce d'età ben distribuite.
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Eva S
Entering the school through a beautiful massive and decorative door (on a street where you’d love to have your coffee and lunchbreaks), the inside will surprise you even more: an explosion of colours, art and atmosphere. And that’s what the teachers carry out too: such passion and enthusiasm.
But the learning doesn’t stop as soon as class comes to an end.
Taronja organises plenty of very fun, optional activities. In the afternoon, evening and even in the weekends. No chance to get bored here… I’m going to stay longer!
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Moh Ammed
The best language school you will ever found!
It's no just a random language school, it's a family!
Taronja is the place to be! ♡
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Lara RM
La mejor escuela!!!!!! Era a única brasileira, o que ajudou muito na prática do espanhol! Não tinha nem portugueses, então sem chance de falar português... Perfeito!
Professores jovens, animados, várias atividades que facilitavam conhecer as pessoas!
E Valencia é fantástica, já quero voltar! Não tinha tempo pra dormir enquanto estava lá! Haha
Melhor viagem!!!
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C Ni Bhaoill
I had a great experience at this school for a week in July 2014. Great teachers and a lovely atmosphere. The classes were a good laugh, but we still learned plenty. They catered for all levels, and you could move classes if you felt you were in the wrong level. The extra activities in the afternoons and evenings also added alot - helped to meet plenty of others on the courses, and also get to know Valencia, which is a gorgeous city. Highly recommended.
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