Wenn wir Wünsche und Bedürfnisse ausdrücken möchten, können wir die folgenden Anweisungen benutzen:

Wenn wir Wünsche und Bedürfnisse ausdrücken möchten, können wir die folgenden Anweisungen benutzen:


1. Querer + Infinitiv: Quiero escuchar música clásica.
2. Desear + Infinitiv: Él desea viajar a Cuba
3. Me, te, le, nos, os, les + gustaría (condicional): Nos gustaría comprar una casa.
4. Necesitar + Infinitiv: No necesitas tener mucho dinero para ser feliz.

P1: Hola, Pablo, ¿qué te pasa?
P2: Hola, Josevi. Estoy un poco estresado porque necesito encontrar trabajo.
P1: ¿Por qué necesitas un trabajo ahora mismo?
P2: Me gustaría viajar por Sudamérica y necesito tener mucho dinero.
P1: Vaya… Mi hermana y yo también queremos viajar. Necesitamos ahorrar mucho.
P2: Y, ¿a dónde queréis ir?
P1: Yo deseo viajar a África pero mi hermana quiere ir a Norteamérica.
P2: Mi hermano también quiere ir a África, le gusta mucho la comida de Etiopía.
P1: Ay… Deseamos hacer demasiadas cosas…
P2: sí… Necesitamos ser más realistas

Querer: möchten.
Desear: wünschen.
Necesitar: brauchen.
Escuchar: hören.
Gustar: mögen.
Encontrar: finden.
Viajar: reisen.
Hermano: Bruder.
Ahorrar: sparen.

Spanisch lernen mit der Taronja Schule

Mit unseren Spanischkursen kannst du deine mündliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit verbessern und auf spielerische Art und Weise lernen, wie wir Spanier sind.

Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?

Dies sind einige der Meinungen unserer Schüler. Sie geben uns die Preise!

Wenn wir Wünsche und Bedürfnisse ausdrücken möchten, können wir die folgenden Anweisungen benutzen: 2
Max Weigand
I enjoyed my classes at the Taronja school. I had nice teachers (Ne, Sa, Ya) and learned a lot of Spanish. I got a lot of attention from the teachers, the interns and the organizing staff. There are a lot of younger students (18-30) but I am sure middle-aged or older students have a lot of fun as well. I felt a little bit like back in school 18 years ago. I enjoyed this feeling.There are many activities during the week. You get the chance to talk a lot of Spanish (if you want to talk Spanish). I can't understand most bad recommendations. If you want high-educated native speakers with classes of 4 persons and the very same Spanish level someone has to tell me a country in Europe where you get this below 800 Euros a week! The price-performance ratio is very good, in my opinion. I am sure for the money you pay you get a Spanish boost and a good time (I can't say anything about the accommodations, because I stayed somewhere private). I sometimes have the feeling that in the eyes of foreigners spanish teachers and staff are expected to work for small salaries (instead of a fair salaries). Maybe this is something to reflect on and everybody is free to invest in private lessons. The new school building is very, very nice! I strongly recommend this school (also for students older than 30)!
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5 star rating
diese Schule ist unglaublich vielseitig! Ich war für vier Wochen in Taronja zum Spanisch lernen. Und für mich war die Zeit in der Schule perfekt. Ich habe schnell und viel gelernt, die Lehrer sind offen, kompetent, hilfsbereit und haben Freude am Tun. Was die Schule für mich besonders gemacht hat, ist, dass sie einem Spanisch bei bringen, aber darüber hinaus auch viele Angebote zu Kultur und Leben stattfinden. Und ich hatte immer das Gefühl mit offenen Armen empfangen zu werden! Der perfekte Ort für einen Sprachurlaub.
Muchas gracias por el tiempo en su escuela! Vuelvo otra vez!
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Eva S
Entering the school through a beautiful massive and decorative door (on a street where you’d love to have your coffee and lunchbreaks), the inside will surprise you even more: an explosion of colours, art and atmosphere. And that’s what the teachers carry out too: such passion and enthusiasm.
But the learning doesn’t stop as soon as class comes to an end.
Taronja organises plenty of very fun, optional activities. In the afternoon, evening and even in the weekends. No chance to get bored here… I’m going to stay longer!
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5 star rating
Wonderful experience I attended the intensive course for 2 weeks with my girlfriend, it was an amazing experience! The school offers Spanish courses with great teachers and a lot of different activities (every day) to meet people from all over the world and do mucha fiesta!!
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Callum McLean
I have already studied at Taronja three times now over five years and I can safely say that I would never go ANYWHERE else to learn Spanish! The teachers are brilliant and the atmosphere is super-relaxed, which makes the lessons not only useful but really enjoyable and sociable. The classrooms and the whole building (with terrace and common room) are decorated really colourfully, which makes it a very comfortable and non-imposing environment to learn in - as well as a very central location, which couldn't be easier to get to. But the best thing about Taronja is the team of friendly staff and their regular programme of activities. I almost go more for the social side of things than anything else, because their regular day- and weekend-trips are so much fun that even relatively shy, grumpy people like me can't help but have a fantastic time and leave with a bunch of new international friends. I couldn't recommend Taronja enough! See you there 🙂
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5 star rating
Una piacevole sorpresa Ho frequentato il corso per tre settimane e non mi aspettavo sicuramente di trovarmi cosí bene! Le lezioni sono frizzanti ed interattive, il metodo di insegnamento è dinamico ed i professori molto preparati ed umani. La lingua viene imparata in maniera divertente e colorata, mantenendo sempre professionalitá.
Inoltre la scuola organizza attivitá ed eventi per tutti i gusti e le etá, nei quali approfondire la lingua, scoprire la cittá e conoscere molte persone.
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