Wenn wir Wünsche und Bedürfnisse ausdrücken möchten, können wir die folgenden Anweisungen benutzen:

Wenn wir Wünsche und Bedürfnisse ausdrücken möchten, können wir die folgenden Anweisungen benutzen:


1. Querer + Infinitiv: Quiero escuchar música clásica.
2. Desear + Infinitiv: Él desea viajar a Cuba
3. Me, te, le, nos, os, les + gustaría (condicional): Nos gustaría comprar una casa.
4. Necesitar + Infinitiv: No necesitas tener mucho dinero para ser feliz.

P1: Hola, Pablo, ¿qué te pasa?
P2: Hola, Josevi. Estoy un poco estresado porque necesito encontrar trabajo.
P1: ¿Por qué necesitas un trabajo ahora mismo?
P2: Me gustaría viajar por Sudamérica y necesito tener mucho dinero.
P1: Vaya… Mi hermana y yo también queremos viajar. Necesitamos ahorrar mucho.
P2: Y, ¿a dónde queréis ir?
P1: Yo deseo viajar a África pero mi hermana quiere ir a Norteamérica.
P2: Mi hermano también quiere ir a África, le gusta mucho la comida de Etiopía.
P1: Ay… Deseamos hacer demasiadas cosas…
P2: sí… Necesitamos ser más realistas

Querer: möchten.
Desear: wünschen.
Necesitar: brauchen.
Escuchar: hören.
Gustar: mögen.
Encontrar: finden.
Viajar: reisen.
Hermano: Bruder.
Ahorrar: sparen.

Spanisch lernen mit der Taronja Schule

Mit unseren Spanischkursen kannst du deine mündliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit verbessern und auf spielerische Art und Weise lernen, wie wir Spanier sind.

Was sagen unsere Schüler über unsere Spanischkurse?

Dies sind einige der Meinungen unserer Schüler. Sie geben uns die Preise!

Wenn wir Wünsche und Bedürfnisse ausdrücken möchten, können wir die folgenden Anweisungen benutzen: 2
4 star rating
un lugar donde ¡puedes sobresalir! Mi segunda estancia con Taronja solo duró una semana, pero, de nuevo, me di cuenta de que la calidad de los profesores (en mi caso, las profesoras, Desiré y Sara) es muy buena. Estaban dedicadas y profesionales.Tanto los profesores como los administradores son siempre muy amables. Intentan ayudarte y apoyarte todos los días. Y lo mejor, tienen paciencia y llevan una sonrisa. Muchísimas gracias a todos y por todo.
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Iris Schenker
Taronja school is up to date. Its classrooms are very colourful and modern. I appreciated the consequent change of teachers, classrooms and timetable. In the freetime they offer a lot of activities for everybody.
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Patrick Golz
Really amazing language school in Valencia. Groups are small and the teachers are very nice and know what their doing. And they organize really cool events every day to get to know the other students and practice your Spanish. Will come back next year for sure.
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5 star rating
Amazing summer learning Spanish with Taronja I was here for two months in summer and had a really positive experience. I actually booked only for one month but ended up extending for an extra month. The classes were fun, interesting, and I felt comfortable talking, learning, (and making mistakes), with my classmates mad teachers. You need an intital assesment of your spanish skills (quick questionnaire, and a couple of minutes speaking) and then get placed into a class for your level. However, if it is too difficult, or easy, there is no problem with changing class, and I found the staff, and the headteacher, Jenny, very friendly and easy to talk to, and always happy to help with anything.
It is easy to make friends, which is important if you are coming here on your own (like me) and there were social acitivties every night. These ranged from paella nights, language exchanges, and generally drinking and socialising. Always fun. I was here in summer which would offer a bigger social life compared to low-season/ winter etc.
The lessons are varied and you use handouts, quiz games, group tasks, videos, songs, etc, in order to learn in a varied way.
I would recommend to anyone who values a more fun and social atmosphere to learn and I definitely feel like I improved a lot. In 2 months, I went from a low A2, to a B1 level, and I had a lot of practice actually speaking the Spanish that I had learned.
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5 star rating
Learning Spanish, Culture, and so much more I spent one week at Taronja School, studying A1 Spanish and would go back in a heartbeat💕. The small classes were very engaging, and teachers were enthusiastic and caring. Taronja is much more than classes though, every night they had engaging activities where you could practice Spanish with fellow classmates and explore new places all over Valencia, and beyond with the teachers and ambassadors of the school. I had so much fun and met the most wonderful people from all over the world. I am in my 50s which I think is significant because they truly treated every person like family and had a group Buena Vida for people over 27 😂 to connect and be able to do things together. I'm really looking forward to going back In the future. They also have housing at a reasonable rate if you're staying for a longer period of time . Thank you Taronja☀️💐🎉
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Sarah Berryman
A friendly school with great teachers and nice facilities. I was only there for a week but my confidence in speaking improved significantly. I came on my own but it was so easy to make friends through all the social activities and I loved meeting people from all over the world from ages 19-70. I had an amazing time and hope I can go back for longer next summer!
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